Faculty Club Board Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2017
Present: Judith Warner, Gillian Tufts, Eleanor Divver, Mohammed Mirfakhrai, Ashok Tuteja, Maddie Oritt, Roxine Lawton, Evert Lawton
Ex-Officio: John Burton, David Morrison
Excused: David Pendell, Yuan Ji, Susan Sanderson, Xan Johnson
Mohammed Mirfakhrai presiding: meeting began 4:08p
Board Business
- Minutes
- Not passed, Moh will review suggestions re last minutes – and will send out for approval
- Budget concerns
- Concern raised about budget deficit from September minutes, discussion ensued re our situation over the next year and how to think about. 6 month socials balanced out the 6 months without – but at the beginning of the fiscal year with lump sum of $10,000 – then the amount have by end of year varies depending on the activities that are done. Historically this has balanced out across the year.
- In December = the 2 parties
- No meeting in January
- Business dinner in May
- Cabin bash in June
- All balances out
- Money in per
- $1083.13 monthly from payroll deductions
- $833.00 from $10,000 (when spread out over 12 months)
- 5 via checks = 5 Emeriti members ($250) to-date
- Expenditures so far
- $2400 September (Marriott’s), likely more 2nd to liquor charge, margaritas on menu
- $1900 October (Marriott’s)
- 10% service charge on food/liquor
- Membership
- ?? how many new members – Maddy can check
- 17 members last 10 days, 16 have paid
- Across campus, 1/3 – ½ health sciences
- New department now represented
- Concern raised about budget deficit from September minutes, discussion ensued re our situation over the next year and how to think about. 6 month socials balanced out the 6 months without – but at the beginning of the fiscal year with lump sum of $10,000 – then the amount have by end of year varies depending on the activities that are done. Historically this has balanced out across the year.
Ashok asking for more information re the following so he can include in the newsletter
- Social media
- Facebook rolled out, Yuan has put a lot of energy into this (thank you!)
- He can connect with her
- What’s up with the members: number, department, etc
Discussed re having our own Public Information Officer, maybe Yuan – put on next Agenda
- $150 for Volleyball event, the pizza, 25 people attended
- Brief discussion whether to continue the beer/wine tasting
- $400- 500 for wine / beer tasting
- But are popular, > 40 attending both (35
- Thinking about January 13th for next year
- Place the wines in different rooms to decrease congestion
- Maybe make it a bring appetizers – Or, could ask people to bring either bottle of wine or something to snack on
- Roxine feels the budget is fine to support these activities
- Children’s party
- Last year
- $2058 spent on entire Children’s party
- Concern raised re flow of event
- This year: At Moran Center, 12/8, 5:30 to 7:30p
- Activities, most are set
- 2 Balloon people
- Frame for picture (David Pendell)
- Carolers’ (Xan in charge)
- Face painters
- Santa
- Jub-jub also
- Dave is money guy at both parties
- Photo booth
- Food
- Majestic last year = $500 + extra food (< $100) + pizza for singers
- We ran out of food and Eleanor had to go buy more
- All the volunteer and the board members ate also so need to include in the number, not just the FC members attending
- Chartwell’s in the past
- Gillian and John to do food – plan for Costco for bulk of food
- Will order pizza for singers
- Will review what to get with Eleanor and Maddie – will need number of attendees
- Set up: Judith, Gillian, John, Xan, Moh to be there at 4p
- Judith will review the timing of the singing with the other activities with Xan
- Majestic last year = $500 + extra food (< $100) + pizza for singers
- Adult Party
- $3500 total cost last year
- $875 for room fee – possibly did include the linens
- Judith and Eleanor to talk about linens
- This year: Monson Center
- December 15th
- 6:30 – 7p social hour, 7p dinner
- $20 per person cost
- FC provides the liquor
- Lux for catering food (same company as last year, just different name)
- Planning for
- Gift exchange (John)
- DJ for music (Rob Snow)
- Next Utes Basketball game social
- February 8th
- Pizza social before at the Annex
- $3500 total cost last year
- Last year
Next FC Board meeting: February 2, 2018, 4p Marriott Hotel
Meeting adjourned at 5pm