Faculty Club Board Meeting Minutes
September 9, 2016
Present: David Morrison, Judith Warner, Gillian Tufts, Eleanor Divver, Pat Ashok Tuteja, Xan Johnson, Maddy Oritt, Mohammed Mirfakhrai, Pat Shea
Ex-Officio: John Burton, David Pendell, Art Lipman
Excused: Alison Crum
Judith Warner presiding; meeting began 4:07p
Board Business
- Minutes accepted with changes
- Judith fixed issue re meeting room
- We clarified the ending balance
- Resent
- Newsletter
- Ashok has created another
- Maddy did some editing, then sent out
- Judith mentioned should print some and have available at Faculty club social
- Recruitment
- Postcard mailed to all faculty
- Judith has talked with marketing re recruitment
- Another story, ie on Croquet game
- Xan suggested:
- Making all Deans / Dept Chairs an honorary member and then encourage them to bring someone from their area
- Maddy will create list and then will work with Xan
- Consider having short talks during the Faculty Club social
- ?? Membership drive – Plan on November 4th.
- Didn’t work so well last time, maybe due to some members not being able to attend
- Some members did brought 1-2 potential members
- Judith and Art did go to the new faculty orientation, gave out lots of brochures
- Maddy to give John some brochures for the Emeriti meeting
- Marriott
- Judith and Eleanor met with them over the summer
- Dates and menus organized
- We’re in same room except 11/4, when we need to be in outside tent
- Move bar to other room or maybe put bar in between the 2 doors to promote interaction between the 2 rooms
- Holiday party
- Dates
- Children’s Party: December 9th
- We do have permission to send cascading email (ie to Dean / chair who then sends it to faculty
- Discussed where: Moran voted by all
- Eleanor proposed repeating last year’s events, seemed to go well
- Santa and Mrs Santa
- Balloon lady
- Magician
- ?? Music out by the tree, concern re sound
- Xan to look work on
- Adult Party: December 14th or 15th
- With new members, possibility is the Alta club
- Will need valet parking, discussed that the Faculty Club will just cover the cost for members attending
- State St and South Temple
- Good food, dressy, pool tables
- Provide music
- Other possibilities: Monson Center, McClune House, Ladies Literary, Café Molise (parking across the street) – Eleanor and Maddy will check these out for cost and availability, also to check out the Alta Club
- Event at the Cabin
- Now no water
- Would need port-a-potty for the day
- Decided against last bash for the fall
- Wine tasting scheduled for January
- Discussed sporting events, ie before basketball games
- Discussed at the Marriott or not, parking / reparking an issue
- Discussed ETOH or not
- Size of pizzas an issue
- We didn’t pay for the room
- Xan will check out places
- Discussed at the Marriott or not, parking / reparking an issue
- PTC again – can get access for the dress rehearsal/sound check performances
- Children’s Party: December 9th
Cabin update
- ADA issue: Nate Miles and U of U Architect working on this. Most important thing is when we get an estimate of cost, there is a section called disportionality, if 20% of the function area is affected, there may be room for negotiation
- A number of issues: parking lot, parking into the building, faucets, ramp for stairs, bathrooms
- Don’t need to fix if no overnight stays
- Would the family be willing to buy the cabin and this would go to the faculty club
- Ie are they willing to make a donation
- Xan brought up another possibility: selling of Field house, could go for endowment for Faculty Club or make a Brick/Mortar site for Faculty Club on campus or maybe space
Treasurer’s Report
- Question, in summary of revenue and expense for Faculty Club, what is the gate receipts in August 2016? Is $600 – Maddy and Dave will work on this
- Started this year with $14071.58
- Total assets: $27,780.17 (includes dues over 1st 2 months and Water rights)
- Really this should be University related line item, as the Cabin is now administered by the University itself
- $15,440.27 balance to-date
- Total assets: $27,780.17 (includes dues over 1st 2 months and Water rights)
- Saved money by not paying for the Children’s Party and cheaper monthly social
- We are not getting the $10,000 this year. Often depends on what we have spent the previous year and what is left in the coffers
New Business
Next meeting: October 7th, 4p Marriott Hotel
Meeting adjourned at 5:03pm