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Faculty Club Board Meeting Minutes September 2, 2022

Faculty Club Board Meeting Minutes

September 2, 2022


Present: Shawn Steidinger, Mohammed Mirfakhrai, Gillian Tufts, Ashok Tuteja, Xan Johnson, Man Hung, John Barbuto, Rebecca Shrader, Jeff Johnson

Ex-Officio: David Pendell, David Morrison, John Burton, Jill Moriearty



Shawn Steidinger presiding, met at the Marriott Oak room

Began 4:05p

Item Action needed
Board Business


·         Minutes

o   Motion made to accept, 2nd

o   Voted yes to accept

·         Cabin


·         Board members

o   Executive committee

§  President: Shawn Steidinger

§  Past President: Mohammed Mirfakhrai

§  Vice-Pres: Jeff Johnson

§  Secretary: Gillian Tufts

o   New board members

§  Jeff Johnson

§  Rebecca Shrader

§  John Barbuto

o   Emeritus

§  Dave Morrison

§  David Pendell

§  John Burton

§  Jill Moriearty

·         Membership director’s report

o   3 new faculty signed up

o   There are 2 lists of members

§  One with names only (280)

·         Likely is everyone, retired, emeriti, etc

§  Other list has name, dept, contact info (245)

·         Auto deduction list

o   Brought up the issue of emeriti members

·         Has been addressed in past, $50 per year for emeriti

·         If someone is bothered by this, can address then

·         How does the emeriti know when it’s time to pay

·         Timing? Shawn suggesting time to pay at beginning of academic year (July). John suggesting September (historically the first meeting of the “year”). Decided on September, by end of the month.






















John Barbuto to meet with Jane to confirm the membership between the 2 lists












Treasurer’s Report


·         Cash: $30,500 in account

·         Asset: $12,340

·         $10, 500 present in account from the VP office line

o   Unclear if this is the old annual $10,000 or is this 2 payments from the Cabin fund

·         Membership dues

o   Collected twice a month via paychecks

o   1st pay period

o   2nd pay period

o   Emeriti checks, go to Jane Laird

§  Jill Moriearty

§  John Burton

·         Marriott FC Socials

o   Shawn has reviewed the new contract, compared line by line, no change

o   August 5th event order included (Jeff did careful review)

§  Total was $2600 this time

§  $150 for bar set up – included on recent bill

§  Hot drink set up, $62 – Shawn is aware and was approved

§  The contract didn’t have the bar set up fee

§  Drink charge has increased liquor/wine $8, beer $6, soda $3 on the contract

·         74 alcohol drinks for about 50 people

§  Question is the $7 charge for beer (domestic vs special), soda was $4 included

§  50% is liquor cost

§  Silver meals, $32 per person (actually not included in the contract)

o   Once reviewed and is correct, gets sent to Jane

·         Motion made to accept the Treasurer’s report, passed




Shawn and Jeff to meet with Jane Laird to more fully understand the account





Shawn will address with the Marriott

Drink charge has increased liquor/wine $8, beer $6, soda $3 on the contract

Question is the $7 charge for beer, soda was $4



Social Director’s report

Social Events


·         Social director is Rebecca Shrader (thank you)

·         Socials

o   Zoo event before Christmas 2021

§  160 attended last year

§  Hot chocolate / cookies ~$9.50 per person

§  Have to use their food / drink

§  Done in a tent ($300)

§  Discussion re RendaZoo room vs tent

·         More inviting

·         Warmer

·         Concern is cost for next year

o   Beer / Ale tasting (8/26)

§  33 attended

o   9/2 Marriott social

§  70 signed up for tonight

o   Adult Christmas party

§  Saturday, December 10th

§  Monson center

§  $20 / person

§  White elephant gift

§  Concern re alcohol issue

§  Historically ~65 people attend the adult party

·         Website

o   Currently not uptodate








New items ·         None
Future items ·         None
Next FC Board meeting, October 7th:  4 to 5pm, in person at the Marriott, in the usual room

Meeting adjourned: 5pm

Gillian will send out Outlook reminder